Year in review with ComonGames team

Today we celebrate perhaps the most important holiday of the year in Russia. Today, when this year becomes a thing of the past and the new one comes into effect, it is usual to congratulate friends and relatives, summing up the results of this year and plan ahead for the next one. That is why we wrote this text.

Let’s start with congratulations and gratitudes. In 2016 we have released our first game – The Uncertain. The development of a videogame, starting from first prototypes and general plot outline up to the Steam release is a formidable task. And throughout this whole process our community supported us. Thank you! Not a single game would have existed without its players and The Uncertain is no exception. Some of you actively comments on news, leaves reviews and help to make the game better. Some simply play the game or reads news, familiarizing themselves with the game. Thank you all and let the New Year bring you lots of interesting experiences – both online and offline. Let the games you play be entertaining and engrossing. And let the post-apocalyptic future still be a thing of science fiction.

The promises we are prepared to make would be rather brief. In 2017 we are planning to release The Uncertain: Light at the End as well to port the first part to mobile devices.

To reflect on the departing year on behalf of only one person from the company would have been too simple. That is why this will be done by several members of our team – according to each one’s experience.

Smirnov Artem, CEO

This year turned out to be difficult and probably because of this ripe on events and emotions – both positive and not so much. Happy moments were in the majority, however some negative ones sank into the mind so much that not mentioning them seems impossible.

We started the year with confidence that we will be able to successfully release two projects simultaneously: The Uncertain and Bomberlands. In time our confidence transformed into hope and afterwards died out completely: we had to suspend Bomberlands in order to focus our all of our resources just on one project: The Uncertain.

The Uncertain was coped with a difficult process that included infestation of bugs at the beginning of the development, sleepless nights and crashed servers before release. Everything was crumbling at the next-to-last moment, assembled at the last one, and visa versa. However, having pushed the release date twice, we were able to release The Uncertain on two platforms. And we haven’t stopped there: the work on the First Part continues, we add more localization options and expand the list of available platforms. In 2017 the list will be supplemented by mobile devices with IOS and Android, as well as Linux and perhaps 7th and 8th generation consoles.

And last but definitely not the least, in Q3 2017 we will release The Uncertain: Light at the End. We have been listening to you very carefully the whole time – our community – and have talked to you. We will continue to do so, because we believe that you are the ones to help us make the next parts as memorable as possible. Thank you very much for your support and stay tuned! There is more interesting stuff to come!

Netyagin Artem, Project Manager

Last year was very saturated with various events. Me as a team felt what it really means not to meet deadlines, fix bugs after the release, communicate with unsatisfied users, deprive ourselves of sleep and be fueled by energy drinks, launch the game million times and test the same scenarios in the game over and over again – everything, that any indie-development team should experience. There always was that lingering feeling that there is still work to come and that there is no end to it. However the release is long gone, we did it! But we can’t sigh with relief yet: new platforms, newfound bugs and the second part force us to give our all to the game. However, even if it is extremely hard, we love our job, we get tons of experience and we are happy about it! We hope next year you will share our joy when we will release the next part with a new protagonist, revamped gameplay, control scheme and an exciting and unpredictable plot development 🙂 Stay tuned and you will find out more news!

Fomichev Igor, Sound Producer

The most important event of the previous year, the most memorable moment for me definitely is the minute of the release. It seemed that nothing in the world has changed: the sun still rises in the east, Russia is still buried in snow in winter, and the summers are still extremely hot. But literally in several minutes our lives changed forever. I am positive we will release more great games in the future. But it will be hard to relive the moment.
Also I would like to point out the support of the community. Throughout the whole development process I was delighted to see positive reviews about the material we have shown as it was created. We gave it our all, considered all the subjects worth looking into during the development of the second part and will put our best efforts in order for you to be satisfied with the second installment of our game!